Thursday, January 27, 2011

EVOLUTION OF A BRIDE - Oklahoma Wedding Photographer

When I was sitting at a WPPI Road Trip in Dallas TX a few months ago, I was still working on the big project of creating this new website. My brain was going none stop before I went to the speakers started speaking but I knew I needed something to go on my pricing page on my website, I wanted something that wasn't just a wedding picture, wasn't just a picture of me taking a picture, something different but was still able to get the point across that this was what I loved to and investing in photography was something I truly felt that every bride looking for a photograph needs.
I know that it is easy to say when you are the photographer, but I have been doing this long enough now that I have received those e-mail after weddings I haven’t shot that decided to use a friend or family member to save money & they always regret it.
Enough typing, so through this whole thought processes & while I was sitting in this convention I had a thought of the photo that shows a monkey turning into a man. Well, I of course do not believe this but I thought hm wouldn't it be cool if I could figure out a way to do this for a bride and these pictures were born.

I did want to say all the pictures didn't make it onto my website because the layout I chose it just didn't work out to make them all fit but I do appreciate each and every one of you & your parents for bringing you to this shoot.
In the future when I am updating I will have more to add and change in and out.
In these pictures: Esme, Emily, Renee, Taylor, Chelsea, Leah & Ashley.
A shout out to the perfect place for anyone to have a wedding The Farmers Market, downtown OKC, for allowing me to use their location to make this shoot possible on this very rainy day!
Also to my amazing mom, who is for sure better than the mail man, rain sleet or snow she is there to help me load and unload everything to make this shoot happen!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


My most recent bridal session I did was of one of my top models, Erin. I think every time I do a shoot I say it is one of my favorites but Erin was so perfect to work with because she was up for anything.
A few fun facts about this is Erin’s grandma, who goes to my home church where I grew up made her dress. I just find that very fascinating because she used her loving hands to create this dress for her granddaughter which to me makes it even more fun to photograph.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


A few months sort of a year I had the pleasure of attending WPPI in Vegas for the first time. It was a much needed pick-me-up. I know I know everyone says PARRRRRRRRTTTTTTY its Vegas. Well, for me it was a big party but I went to every single class I could and soaked up every single word every speaker said.
On the plane ride home, I created this list:

get a logo to brand my buisness
new buisness cards

*Above: Designed by the one & only Kyle Roe*
create new website
create a blog
create new setup for the bridal fair
prepare for January bridal fair

change number to 405
have updated pictures of me taken

*Above: Photo by my friend & photographer Abi Martin*
find program to create a newsletter
create videos
My goal was to get all of these tasks done by the time the bridal fair happened. Last Sunday was the OKBride Bridal Fair at the Cox Convention Center. Late Saturday night my new website & this blog went live!
It felt more than amazing to finally check all these projects off my list! Now that it is all done I am not sure what I will talk about !
I am probably going to say thank you a lot in these first few blogs but thank you to every person who helped me be able to check these projects off my list!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

THE MAKING OF THE VIDEO - Jared Wanzer Photography

This all goes back to when I was in Vegas in March 2010.  I was able to go to this amazing convention, WPPI.
I really needed to be inspired and get excited about what I love to do all over again.  Well, here is some of my excitement.
I know it is January, but I wanted to share some of the processes of getting to the point of launches this website, I can now mark off my check list.
If you don’t know me, I like lists, I make list for almost everything, I am extremely organized.  I pull out the list of all the weddings I’ve done go over and over it trying to figure out what Videographers I remember at all of the weddings that I’ve done in the past and if any of them pop out to me.  I also asked a few of my past brides, still not finding exactly what I was wanting.  Then I remembered Justin & Sydneys Wedding, which was in 2008.  I didn’t remember his name but I did remember that he was my age, came up to me and talked to me before I even had the chance to talk to him, so I knew he was outgoing, so I contacted Sydney got his information and the rest is history. Chris did an amazing job & the 3 days of shoot were seriously in the top days of my life.
I can’t even tell you how great everything about the weekend went and how much it meant that so many of my past brides and grooms were able to make it. It was a perfect weekend, very good to get caught up with some of the finest models around, my top models for sure!
Thank you to to each of my clients, each and every one of you had to drive to do this and I appreciate you making time to come be apart of this day for me, it meant a lot.
Thanks Chris for being the awesome videographer that you are and showcasing your talents and making this video the best for me!
Thank you to my Aunt Allison for letting us use your house and your red couch, which I hope you put me down for in the will  Even though you were out of town it meant a lot for you to let us take over your house for a weekend.
Thank you to my Mom for everything you helped me do to get ready for this weekend, I appreciate it all! The Thank You Cards turned out great.
To my friend Renee for helping me get all the gift bags ready to hand out to everyone.
Thank you Thank you Thank you!
If I left anyone out I am sorry.
It has finally all come together & I am excited for you to go and check it out! GO GO GO!

Friday, January 21, 2011


Thank You:
Every day, I am so thankful that I have the job of my dreams,
that I go to work and hang out and have fun with people, and
I just happen to have a camera to photograph all of that fun. So many people have been a part of this process of helping me
take my hobby to the next level and creating this new website.
First, I would like to thank my MA, my very first model.  I think you
knew I could do this before I knew myself.  Thank you for always being my encourager.  You are the best person I know and I am so glad that I have always had you in my life. Thank you, MA, for always being there, for letting me talk out some of my ideas and my up and down moments that I have had along the way.
My brother and best friend, Sean: Thank you for always motivating me and telling me I can do anything I want (except to jump off of a waterfall).  You are the best brother anyone could ask for and I appreciate you.
Dad: Thank you for buying my first professional camera and sponsoring a lot of my photography adventures.
Abi, my teacher and my friend: Thank you for pushing me to that next level and for all of the advice and encouragement you gave me in school and even now.  Also, for making time to take my updated profile pictures! I know you are very busy and I appreciate it so much!
To all of my friends: Thank you for letting me use you as my models and be the paparazzo in your lives.
To my Mammaw: Even though you are no longer here, I know that the reason I have found what I love to do in my life is a direct result of you being on your knees and praying for me every day.
Kyle Roe, the best graphic designer a photographer could ask for, I am so glad you asked me to photograph your wedding a fee years back! Thank you for all the creativity and hard work you have done for me!
Chris Clark, the videographer everyone needs! Thank you thank you thank you for giving me your card and coming up to talk to me at the wedding we did together because without your amazing work with the videos you created was even more than I could have asked for!
Jasmine Star, I only met you once but your class that I had the privilege of taking in Vegas motivated me to use Showit for my new website. After your class was over, I was ready to go home and get started. Thank you for speaking from your heart it was like going to church for photographers!
To my Aunt Allison, thank you for letting me use your house for a studio several times & helping me with so many projects through the process.
Karlyn, thank you for helping me get all the legal stuff together that comes with having my own business. You made the process so much easier!
Rhonda, thank you for proofing all my information and making it sound even better! I appreciate your help!
Don Thompson, who did an amazing job through ShowIt & MYNTD getting this website together to be exactly what  I wanted it to be.
Thank you for working so hard to get this going before the bridal fair!
Thank you, New York City and Las Vegas, for inspiring me, for making me dream bigger and allowing me to realize that I CAN accomplish all of my dreams.
To each of my clients: I love each one of you. Thank you for asking me to be a part of your lives and for trusting me to be a part of one of the most special days of your lives. Thank you for always coming back to me as your families grow.
It has been a long journey getting to this point, almost a year, can’t wait to see what the next year will bring!
Jared Wanzer