Thursday, January 27, 2011

EVOLUTION OF A BRIDE - Oklahoma Wedding Photographer

When I was sitting at a WPPI Road Trip in Dallas TX a few months ago, I was still working on the big project of creating this new website. My brain was going none stop before I went to the speakers started speaking but I knew I needed something to go on my pricing page on my website, I wanted something that wasn't just a wedding picture, wasn't just a picture of me taking a picture, something different but was still able to get the point across that this was what I loved to and investing in photography was something I truly felt that every bride looking for a photograph needs.
I know that it is easy to say when you are the photographer, but I have been doing this long enough now that I have received those e-mail after weddings I haven’t shot that decided to use a friend or family member to save money & they always regret it.
Enough typing, so through this whole thought processes & while I was sitting in this convention I had a thought of the photo that shows a monkey turning into a man. Well, I of course do not believe this but I thought hm wouldn't it be cool if I could figure out a way to do this for a bride and these pictures were born.

I did want to say all the pictures didn't make it onto my website because the layout I chose it just didn't work out to make them all fit but I do appreciate each and every one of you & your parents for bringing you to this shoot.
In the future when I am updating I will have more to add and change in and out.
In these pictures: Esme, Emily, Renee, Taylor, Chelsea, Leah & Ashley.
A shout out to the perfect place for anyone to have a wedding The Farmers Market, downtown OKC, for allowing me to use their location to make this shoot possible on this very rainy day!
Also to my amazing mom, who is for sure better than the mail man, rain sleet or snow she is there to help me load and unload everything to make this shoot happen!

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