Friday, June 22, 2012


the perfect dress
the detail
Guthrie, OK.
The perfect location for this bridal session, possibly some of my favorites, ever.
Brittnie is a joy to work with because she loves the camera, which basically makes us best friends.
If you have never been to the temple in Guthrie it definitely makes for a great indoor location for bridal portraits. Brittnie really wanted a location that would work well with the style of her dress. I think her exact words were, ‘are there any classy, elegant places in Oklahoma?’
I think this location fit that well, a very elegant yet vintage feel, & it worked perfectly for this bridal shoot.
We had a great session & thank you to Brittnies mom & sister for being my lovely assistants for a few hours. Brittnies mom is also one of my favorite people, she laughs at all my jokes.

Thanks for being a top notch Jared Wanzer Photography model!

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