Monday, August 13, 2012


Myriad Gardens
relaxing day after
& a perfect morning for a photo shoot!
A few days ago I posted about Chris & Mollys Wedding. We actually did Chris & Mollys Day After session 2 days after but all the same this Day After session started early morning and we headed downtown Oklahoma City to the recently remodeled Myriad Gardens.
I am not going to lie when I heard they were redoing Myriad Gardens I was disappointed because I thought it was perfect to begin with. This is the first time I had photographed a shoot since it has been completely finished and I have to say, I loved it. Great job Oklahoma City.
We were able to get some great light and I loved the areas we found in Myriad Gardens, Chris & Molly were up for anything they were relaxed and ol Jared Wanzer Photography pros my this point. In one of the last pictures I did of the day I put them on a bench in the gardens and they were so relaxed I think they were ready to take a nap.
Early morning shoots are the way to go!
I love Day after sessions and I am so glad we were able to do one, thanks Chris & Molly for waking up early to get that perfect light and cool breeze!

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