Monday, August 15, 2011


July 31, 2011
A Perfect Day!
lighting that blew my mind
getting ready
so many great pictures
everyone dressed spectacular
extremely proud
everyone very happy to be there
no drama
the pat on my shoulder
watching him watch her
proud brother
trusted photographer
dances from a new prospective
on the dance floor
soaking it all in.
watching you both drive away.
didn’t want it to end.
On my drive home from the wedding I was thinking of everything about the day that was so excellent
and I started listing off everything in my head. I have been to so many weddings, gone to so many great places. Let me tell you,
There is no other place in this world that I would have rather been than to celebrate
Sean & Joni getting married! I have to say I wasn't sure how taking the photographer
hat off for the day would feel, but the best man hat this blog will never be able to describe.
A remarkably proud brother I was. God gave me the cream of the crop for sure!
what a day what a day!

Thank you to my friend Abi Ruth for taking the wedding photos, I am very thankful.  

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