Friday, December 11, 2009

Hi. My name is Jared Wanzer...

& I, am a picture-aholic!

Before you look at these pictures here are my confessions...
1. i love pictures.
2. i used to put them all in scrapbooks.
3. i did so many scrapbooks that i now haaate making them i don't even like to watch someone make one, see someone make one. now the finished product i love but making them never again!

ok i don't think you are ready or really realize how much i love pictures but here we go...
first drawer full of scrapbooks...


ok here are more..i think i count ten..

here are boxes, FULL of pictures, mind you i do realize i am a photographer but no, these are not my professional pictures of clients of studio of anything like that, these are just family events, friends outings, hanging out, etc..

did you think that was all the boxes no heres more..

all the boxes full of pictures are from the past 5 years. so thats not to bad is it? i am sure everyone has boxes and boxes.

The end.

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