Sunday, September 6, 2009

Courtney & Berlynn Senior Portraits - Oklahoma Photographer

I love my job. I love going out and exploring and finding new locations and getting the right lighting, different lighting. Basically I am always up for anything new and exciting.
Well, I had the privilege of photographing these two Senior 2010 girls, Courtney & Berlynn. They were referred to me by my Aunt who lives in Moore.
To start off I wanted to see if we could find a rail road track. I have done some pictures at a rail road before but never in Oklahoma City usually it is in a small town area. We had to go up around under and we finally made it to this part of the rail road I wanted to go to. I don't really get scared to try and new place because basically after doing this for awhile you just get the mind set if someone doesn't want you to be taking pictures in a certain location all they are going to do is ask you to leave & by that point I will hopefully have the right shot.

Well, after all the rambling, my point. The three of us had so many stickers all over us by the time we got back to the car to change into the next outfit.
Of course I had to photograph it to share with you all.


It took awhile to get them all out.

The finished product though of these Jared Wanzer Photography Top Models was totally worth it though!!

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